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The Financial Crisis – Part One
September 21st, 2008
As a futurist, I view the financial crisis that exploded last week from a high level, long term perspective. The macro forces that are reshaping our world must be considered when such a crisis occurs. In addition this particular crisis will force us to reevaluate long held economic ideals that may no longer have validity in their purest forms.
It is important to state that there are many traceable causes to this crisis. It is these particulars that politicians and those that need to blame something or someone will focus on as a way to justify a point of view or …
The Physical Nature of Memory
September 16th, 2008
Future of Energy – The Price of Oil
September 7th, 2008
Convergence and Connectivity in the Home
September 1st, 2008
Last week the Internationale Funkausstellung was held in Berlin. This is the largest consumer electronics convention in Europe, equaling and perhaps surpassing the CES show that occurs every January in Las Vegas. One of the central themes behind major new product launches was the Internet and the central role it is now beginning to play in the wirelessly networked home.
This has been something that has interested me for years and a subject about which I have written here and here in this blog. As recently as five years ago, the topic of convergence was a speculative, hot …