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An Exciting New Place!

This blog is now almost four years old.  Many of you have been loyal readers since 2006 and I deeply appreciate your loyalty and continued support.  There have been many more who have become readers through the years and of course I also appreciate your readership.

Evolutionshift has and will be the place where I take a “future look at today” regardless of topic.  There are many developments, stories and breakthroughs that are worthy of comment here as they reflect where we are and where we are going.  There are few subjects I have not touched upon here and that will …

Let’s Go to the Video Tape!

I know I am most definitely dating myself by using that iconic Warner Wolf phrase from the 1970s.  Any baby boomer from the first half of the boom that ever watched sports on TV can remember that phrase.  Well, this is a column about going to the video tape.  Internet 2.0 is video.

On January 1 I wrote a column here called “The Transformation Decade”. It prompted comments and numerous emails and took off on Twitter and the blogosphere.  That prompted me to make it a video.  Let’s go to the video tape!.

As a futurist, particularly since …

As a futurist, it is imperative to be a student of history.  The macro trends, rhythms, and forces of the past can be of great assistance when trying to see ahead clearly.  In the case of the Massachusetts Senate Election I found myself understanding it within the context of American history.  So, Thomas Jefferson a little bit later in the column

What do we know at the blocking and tackling level in regards to the Brown victory?

First, the political “pundits” – and that word is always best in quotes – are back.  What did they have to say about Tiger Woods …

The Transformation Decade

This new decade, 2010-2020, will be known as the Transformation Decade. The definitions of transformation are several: the act or process of transforming, the state of being transformed, change in form, appearance, nature, or character.

Don’t those definitions feel like what has been already going on in your life and the world?  Many of us have already been living in this state.  Many of us have only recently felt the impending alterations, disruptions and reorganizations that have begun.  Everything seems to be in a transforming state of shift.

We are entering the first full decade of the Shift Age, even though it …