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[Note:  A version of this column recently appeared in the Shift Age Newsletter.  Please feel free to sign up for a free subscription.]

I have been writing and speaking that IP is the wealth of the Shift Age for the last six years.  And over the last six years, this reality has become ever more apparent.  Recent headlines make this crystal clear.

In the Agricultural Age, those who owned the land created wealth.  In the Industrial Age, those who created and controlled production created wealth.  In the Information Age, those who created technology and brought it to market created …

No Longer a Day but an Age

Earth Day is coming.  April 22 to be exact.  How I know is my email inbox.  Every day for the past few weeks I get pitches to write about some company’s new eco product.  The words LEED certified, Eco, Green, Recycled, Renewable have become an endless blur in the subject line of in-bound emails.  This is now a spring ritual.

Last year around this time I wrote a column entitled “Earth Century” . In it I mentioned that in the first two years of this blog in 2006 and 2007 I had focused a lot on alternative energy, renewable …

[An apology to my regular and long time readers:  this has been the longest time I have ever gone between columns.  I have been starting work on my next book and have allowed that to take top priority during my writing time every day.  Now that it is well underway, I am back with another column on the New Health Age.  Thank you for your patience!]

In my last column I wrote about  the New Health Age, the new age of health care and medicine that we have entered.  The coming changes in the health care landscape in the …

The New Health Age

We have entered a new health age in this early part of the 21st century.  Humanity and particularly Americans are entering a new time of medical miracles and health care.  The thinking, delivery and economics of medicine and health care are changing and these changes will be accelerating in the next few years.

In the United States, the discussion about health care has largely been driven by fear, misinformation and manipulated by politicians.  Any discussion driven by these three forces is not an intelligent one.  That is why Jonathan Fleece and I have written “The New Health Age: The …