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In the last column we looked at the general dynamics underlying the reality and need to create an automotive industry in the U.S for the 21st century. We now take a look at what this industry might look like. An analysis of trends, developing technologies and the role that the federal government can and should play, makes it is clear that this industry will be substantially different than that of the 20th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century there were dozens of car companies. The story of the last century is one of consolidation so that by the 1990s …
Tentative Steps on Alternative Energy
May 27th, 2009
Last week the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the most ambitious energy and global warming legislation ever debated in Congress. That is very good news and a good first step. Of course, since Congress has never been anything close to providing leadership in the areas of alternative energy and climate change, the comparison to past non-action doesn’t mean much.
The other action last week that was a good first step was the announcement by President Obama that a deal had been made with auto manufacturers to impose new mileage and emissions standards for all cars and truck sold in the …
Forecast 2009 Part 2 The Economy
January 8th, 2009
In my last column I wrote that humanity is in transition from one Age to another and that the global financial collapse is a painful part of that transition. This occurs during any major historical transition period. In addition I wrote:
“There are four words that keep coming back to me as I view the landscape of what lies ahead in 2009 and beyond. They are contraction, cleansing, reorganization and transformation. It is these four words to keep in mind as you read the forecasts here and look around you”
I repeat that because most of the economic predictions below …
December 29th, 2008
The year 2008 will obviously go down as one of the most eventful years in recent history. It was the year that Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. It was the year that the Internet replaced print and TV as the driving force in a presidential election. It was the beginning of the end of 15 years of divisive cultural politics in America.
2008 was the year of the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. This collapse was the first one since the beginning of the new global economy and thus showed how humanity and all of …