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A True Scientific Milestone
August 5th, 2008
Amidst all the chatter and news stories about who said what in the Presidential race and how SUVs have become undesirable, there was a story last week that will be one that 2008 will be remembered for, at least in the scientific community. NASA’s Phoenix Mars lander found ice on Mars!!
As long as humanity has known about the solar system there has been conjecture as to whether there was life anywhere else. Mars has always been the prime suspect and has led to many books, movies and one famous radio event about Martians. Most of the time such life forms …
Maybe 55 Cancri is the Place
November 15th, 2007
All my life I have believed that there must be other intelligent life in the Universe. When you gaze upon the endless starry night it seems statistically impossible that there isn’t some form of intelligent life out there. It may not be human-like but life there must be. In a prior column, I wrote about the fact that scientists looking for life elsewhere have redefined the definition of life as it was concluded that perhaps our earth bound definition needs to be greatly expanded.
Last week there was an announcement that astronomers had discovered that there were five planets circling …
Expanding the Definition of Life
July 10th, 2007
I have always been in the camp of those that think that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Statistically, the universe is too vast, practically beyond human comprehension, for there not to be some form of life elsewhere. Those that have argued otherwise always come from the point of view that Earth and its’ biosphere is unique and have a definition of life that is completely Earth centric.
It was therefore with great interest that I read the report published last week by the National Research Council. This report suggested that life with an alternative biochemistry to that of …