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Accelerating Electronic Connectedness – Internet Usage in China and the United States
July 28th, 2008
It was just reported that, as expected, there are now more Internet users in China than in the U.S. As of last month there were 253 million Internet users in China as compared to 220 million in the U.S. What is striking is that in just the last year, the number of new users in China was 90 million, or a growth rate of more than 50%. That annual increase in users is more that the total number of users in most countries in the world.
There are several interesting aspects to these numbers. Of course, since …
The Migration from Mass to Micro Media is Now Complete
May 4th, 2008
Growing up as part of the baby boom generation, a distinct memory is the air raid siren tests. Every Tuesday, if I recall correctly, at 10a there was the test of the air raid siren blaring across the entire city of Chicago. This was to prepare us for the possibility of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union (so we could crawl under our desks as instructed by our teachers). Since it happened each week at the same time we knew it was a test. If it had happened on any other day, I might not be writing this column …
Another Cell Phone Milestone
February 13th, 2008
I have written several columns about cell phones in the past. Each one was due to milestones of growth. The speed of growth in the use of cell phones continues to be astounding. It was announced last week by the International Telecommunication Union that the number of total global cell phone subscribers will exceed the number of non-subscribers for the first time in 2008.
When you stop and think about it, this is nothing less than amazing. This means that more than half of all human beings alive today have cell phones. That includes …
Forecast for 2008
January 9th, 2008
This is the second year for Evolution Shift to present you with a general forecast and somewhat more specific predictions for 2008. The forecast for 2007 is here for those wanting to check out the accuracy of what was predicted for last year. In addition I made some transitional 2007/2008 predictions last week, tying up the year end.
We are now leaving the Information Age and entering the Shift Age. The transition between these two ages began in 2006, gathered speed last year and will be even more fully felt in 2008 and 2009 when it will generally be …