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Welcome to the Shift Age!
December 11th, 2012
We have left the Information Age and entered the Shift Age. This new age is an era of transformation unparalleled in terms of the amount of change that will occur is the next 20-30 years.
As long time readers of this column know, I have been writing and speaking about the Shift Age since 2007 and my first book of that name was published exactly 5 years ago this month. In serendipitous celebration of that anniversary, my biggest and best book about the future of humanity is being published on January 1, 2013. Parts One and Two of that book,
IP is the Wealth of the Shift Age
May 13th, 2012
[Note: A version of this column recently appeared in the Shift Age Newsletter. Please feel free to sign up for a free subscription.]
I have been writing and speaking that IP is the wealth of the Shift Age for the last six years. And over the last six years, this reality has become ever more apparent. Recent headlines make this crystal clear.
In the Agricultural Age, those who owned the land created wealth. In the Industrial Age, those who created and controlled production created wealth. In the Information Age, those who created technology and brought it to market created …
The New Reality of Communications
July 1st, 2009
[Note: This is a column reprinted from the current “Shift Age Newsletter” as it is very timely and has already received a lot of positive comment. If you are not yet a subscriber of the newsletter, please go here and click on FREE subscription]
Those of you who have either read “The Shift Age” or have heard me speak about the Shift Age, know that the accelerating global electronic connectedness is one of the three forces that has, is and will continue to reshape our world. There are now 4 billion cell phone subscribers in the world. Facebook has …
Tiananmen Square and Technology
June 3rd, 2009
It was 20 years ago this week that the demonstrations in Tiananmen Square turned violent. After days of open demonstrations, the Chinese government had had enough and sent in the army. This led to one of the most iconic visual images of protest in recent decades: a single man standing right in front of four tanks, daring them to run him over.
The image is one that anyone over the age of 35 can remember as it flashed around the world and represented the individual facing down superior force in a literal stand for freedom. It was this image that gave …