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Forecast for 2008
January 9th, 2008
This is the second year for Evolution Shift to present you with a general forecast and somewhat more specific predictions for 2008. The forecast for 2007 is here for those wanting to check out the accuracy of what was predicted for last year. In addition I made some transitional 2007/2008 predictions last week, tying up the year end.
We are now leaving the Information Age and entering the Shift Age. The transition between these two ages began in 2006, gathered speed last year and will be even more fully felt in 2008 and 2009 when it will generally be …
A Historic Day for Intellectual Property
April 24th, 2007
A recent column discussed the historical context for the emergence of intellectual property as the new and most important valuation of a company. While this point of view is becoming more main stream every day the current problem is that there is no liquid market that can help determine actual valuations. Corporations and individuals can easily monetize their real estate holdings, their heavy and office equipment and just about any hard asset they have. As stated in the prior column, 80% of …
Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie and History
June 22nd, 2006
The announcement last week that Bill Gates would, over the next two years, relinquish day to day oversight of Microsoft made me think about history and the future. The first thought of course was that in some way it was the end of an era. The second thought was, well, what era, where does that fit historically, and how will it be described in history books in the future? The third thought was that there might be some precedent to Gates’ decision worth investigating.
The Transition into the Information Age
When Gates founded Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975, the United States was …