Coffee and Caffeine

We seem to have become much more of a coffee culture than ever before.  It is now hard to be in any large city in the United States where there is not an abundance of places to buy coffee. Twenty years ago you could buy coffee in any neighborhood, but it was at a restaurant or a fast food outlet.  Now there are places that basically sell just coffee, with a small selection of companion snacks and cold drinks added into the mix.

Starbucks has gone from being a curiosity to one of the best known brands in the country and now, the world.  People, who, ten years ago knew coffee to be regular or decaf now speak of lattes, mochas, macchiatos  and double espressos. There are heated conversations about the comparative merits of coffee from Guatamala and Costa Rica. People in offices take turns making the mid afternoon ‘Starbucks run’.  ‘Let’s meet for coffee’ is now as common a phrase today as ‘let’s meet for a drink’ has been for decades.

There have always been cultural and culinary cycles in society.  We seem to still be on the upward slope of the coffee cycle in the US.  Why is this?  I think that there are several reasons, both due to the product itself and then all the trappings and social practices that have grown up around the product.  Today a look at coffee the product..

Simply put, caffeine is a stimulant.  We all know this.  It is one of the primary reasons we drink it, because it stimulates the nervous system and the heart.  It is a pick me up or a wake me up.  When the caffeine hits, it feels good, we feel better, more alert, perhaps even happier.  It is the universal pick me up beverage.  We drink it when we haven’t had enough sleep, when we have to focus on a project or paper that we don’t really want to do, when we have crossed so many time zones our body is rebelling.

In a post I wrote about napping, I suggested that we are getting more and more sleep deprived because of the ‘always on’ culture we now live in.  Every thing is available 24 hours a day.  Stores are open 24 hours a day so we can always go shopping.  If not in your neighborhood, the Internet is always on for those that want to shop.  We can watch TV, listen to radio, surf the Internet all the time. Blockbuster movies open in theaters at 12 midnight on Thursdays. There is always something going on in today’s society.  When the bars close the breakfast places are opening up. So, practically any form of entertainment or guilty pleasure is available to us whenever we want it.  New York City used to be called ‘the city that never sleeps’.  Well, now the U.S. is the country that never sleeps.

Our world of work has equally expanded.  We ‘do’ email before the kids get up, we ‘do’ email after the kids go to sleep.  We nervously check our Blackberrys and Trios while standing in line or riding in a cab.  The ‘work day’ is no longer 8 hours, but literally 24.  Sleep at your own risk, you might fall behind!  Take the afternoon off?  At your own risk!

Less than 200 years ago, the United States was still an agricultural society.  This meant that time was measured in seasons.  The planting season, the growing season, the fall harvest, the hibernation of winter.  A work day was defined by daylight.  Remember, it was a 100 years ago that electrical lights first started to become widely used, so even if one wanted to work after dark it was difficult to do so.   Even 50 years ago, when the Industrial Age was at its apotheosis in the U.S., the work week was Monday to Friday and generally 9 to 5 unless one worked overtime.  Now in the Shift Age, we are all working overtime, all the time.  While all this incredible amount of change has occurred and the speed of change has accelerated, the biology or physiology of humanity has not changed nearly as much.

Now that tobacco use has dramatically declined and most other drugs that stimulate the nervous system are illegal, what’s left to keep us going?  That’s right:  caffeine!  The next time you walk into a Starbucks, particularly in the morning, look at the people waiting in line for their stimulant drink.  They seem to be half asleep, not much affect on their faces, suffering from staying up too late doing email or surfing the net or tired from poor sleep because they couldn’t stop their minds from thinking about work all night. 

I truly believe that the growth in coffee stores has a direct correlation to our speeded up, ever more connected life styles.  Cell phones, the Internet, laptops, wireless and Starbucks all exploded onto the national landscape during the same 15 year period.  Looking ahead, it is clear that our coffee culture will continue to grow.





9 Responses to “Coffee and Caffeine”

  1. David Finkel Says:

    David, your observations about stress and sleep deprivation are entirely accurate, and not only about coffee — look at the extreme energy drinks on sale in every convenience store and gas station. Sorry I have no time to say more as I have to get my cup of reheated coffee (with hot chocolate mix added) out of the microwave!

  2. Amy Says:

    David, I thank you for your honest assessment of coffee and the current coffee culture. I have tried to quit coffee a few times, not so successfully. I am too hooked on the caffeine stimulant and the comforting warmth in the morning. I agree, sadly, that it is a reflection or cause of our go-go-go society. Because of that, I am consciously making an extra effort to drink coffee specifically to relax – to make it an enjoyable, relaxing, take-time-to-sit kind of event. I hope others can do the same, as we battle the ever increasing pace and expectations of today’s society.

  3. Donna Says:

    I am an absolute coffee addict. However, I don’t experiment with flavors, hot milk, or any of the other hyped-up coffee additions. I drink it strong, black, and with no sugar. The way it is meant to be enjoyed. My way, lets me know when I am truely enjoying a delightful coffee blend.
    I think a reason for the popularity of coffee shops, is because of the great meeting environment. In our 24/7 work week, gone is the 3 martini lunch. The coffee shop presents the opportunity for a short business meeting, and it is the best place to meet a first-date and have the ability to run, and not have given out your home address!

  4. Paul Drago Says:

    Isn’t it possible for a tipping point in the lifestyle where people eventually burn out and quit taking in as much coffee to try and reverse the effects of the wired lifestyle?

    Personally, I make it a point to keep my computer and cellphone off for one day a week so I can try and focus more on life.

  5. Paul Drago Says:

    or should I say wireless lifestyle.

  6. david Says:

    Good comments. yes David, energy drinks are another prime example of what is going on with the ‘always on’ culture; good point.

    Paul – I couldn’t agree more. As the saying goes about most addictive substances, “if you can’t go a day without it, you are addicted” I don’t like being addicted to anything. Folks, how many of you are addicted to email/cell phones/caffeine? Yup, just what I thought. Well morally you now have to establish a hierarchy of addiction: heroin bad, email good; cocaine bad, cell phone good. But addicts we are.

  7. Paul Drago Says:

    hey man– I could give it up any time :)

  8. Wesley Says:

    I go to Starbucks every day. I only order decaf drinks. Go figure!

  9. Mando Says:

    I believe that our country that ‘never sleeps’ is going in the wrong direction. While we’re more ‘connected’ than ever, technology-wise, we’re truly less connected than ever, to our spirits. It’s a blind culture, drifting further away from the Truth…and addictions like caffeine – coffee, red bull, etc – are simply signs of this drifting, and the desperation and excess that define it. Sorry if this sounds somber, but it’s the reality of the situation, and it needs to be said (and heard), although I’m sure most people (especially the highly addicted) will react defensively or just tune out this type of message.

    The good news is that, in spite of the societal trends, each of us individually have the strength to make our own choices, even when it’s tough to overcome the influences and challenges of an ‘always on’ culture. If anyone is interested in tapping into their natural energy sources by quitting coffee, I know it’s not easy, but it could be life-altering. Here is a good blog post that lays out a practical way to quit.

    Thanks for stimulating this conversation David.